Simplify building an application to run in the BYU ecosystem with single sign-on and the same look and feel as other BYU applications.
The BYU Starter App is a simple Mendix application with several commonly-used modules included that BYU applications typically use. See below for features.
Typical Usage Scenario
This is the easiest way to rapidly build an application in the BYU ecosystem that incorporates BYU sign-in and user accounts.
Features and Limitations
BYU branding
Single sign-on with BYU CAS (some configuration required)
User accounts that automatically incorporate BYU user information
Access to BYU APIs (some configuration required)
A public home page available to anonymous user who are not signed in
Mimic user functionality (disabled by default, and only available to the Administrator role)
Known bugs
Sometimes when manually adding a user account at Admin > Account Management an error will display “Password does not meet password policy criteria”. Select OK and Add and the account will be added.
This is fixed in the latest version of the BYU Starter App (1.7.1+).
How to Use
An update will be published in the near future with more on how to get started.
How to get access to an API
Go to OAuth Configuration
Fill in the Client ID, Client Secret, and click Get Client Token
Once you have access to BYU Persons v3 API you can go to Accounts and add BYU Accounts to your app
Login with username: MxAdmin password: 1
Under the Admin settings you can set up BYU API, add users, and set up SAML
These dependencies are included and updated regularly.
Mendix Studio Pro 9.0.5 or newer
BYUAccount module
BYUOpenAuthentication module
Community Commons Function Library
MxModelReflection (for use with SAML20 setup for single sign-on)
Run Studio Pro 9.0.5 or newer.
New App button (or File > New App)
“Choose your starting point” displays with the “Starter Apps” tab highlighted beneath it.
Scroll through the pages by clicking on the dots above or below the six displayed on the page to find the “BYU Starter App” (probably on the 2nd page).
Select the “Use this starting point >” button to build your new app from the BYU Starter App template.
Give your app a name, preferably a short one, enable online service (default), and select the “Create app” button. It will take a few minutes to generate the app and project on the Mendix server (the Mendix Developer Portal) then download it to Studio Pro for you to run.
Rename the Main module in the App Explorer (left side) to something more meaningful, like your app name or something similar.
Open up the Topbar (under Layouts) and rename the "Starter App" title on the page to your application name.
(optional) Open up the Navigation and rename the "Application title" to your application name.
You now have a fully functioning application. You can run it and see what it looks like in a web browser. It will be at http://localhost:8080/.
Be sure to regularly commit changes you make (Version Control > Commit); at least daily. That way you won’t lose your work if your computer crashes. It will be saved in the project on the Mendix Developer Portal.
Microsoft Teams
For additional help, refer to the appropriate channels in their respective teams: