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Getting Started
Platform tour
(5 mins)
Short demo video
(4 mins)
Demo video showing more features
(31 mins)
demo videos
Mendix Knowledge Share Videos
BYU Starter Application
Walk through of the BYU Starter Application
Google Analytics
Overview of how to get your Mendix Application set up with Google Analytics
Tyk Configurations for the Sandbox Environment
Showing the changes needed in your application because of the Tyk Migration.
Custom Dropdown Widget
An overview of the custom dropdown widget
Gallery Widget
A deep dive into the Gallery Widget and filter options
BYU CAS Single Sign-On
Walk through of the documentation and steps to set up CAS Single Sign-On
Wizard Style Tab Container
A walk through of how to use the Tab Container as a Wizard Control
Excel Importer with complex data structure
An overview of an data import with a complex data structure
Box Connector
An overview of storing documents/files in Box
Datagrid 2
An overview of Datagrid 2 and some of the features
Tab Switcher and Active Menu Selector Widgets
An Overview of how to navigate to a specific tab on the page and update the Navigation Menu using Widgets
PDF Generation using both Print to PDF and Document Template
Walk through of how to Print to PDF Widget and Generate Document Template