Build a Mendix App Skip to main content

Build a Mendix App

How to do common tasks to build and deploy a Mendix application.

BYU Application / UI Resources

BYU Starter App

Simplify building an application to run in the BYU ecosystem with single sign-on and the same look and feel as other BYU applications.

BYU Theme

BYU Theme implementation in Mendix


API Setup to Add BYU User Accounts

Request API access so BYU users can sign in to the application

Deploy Mendix App to Web for Free

How to deploy a Mendix application to the web for free, and the limitations of a free app.

Deploy to Web with Licensed Containers

Deploy your application to a licensed node, when and how to request one, how to set it up.

Deploy to Acceptance Environment

How to deploy to the Acceptance environment on a licensed node.

BYU CAS Single Sign-On

Set up single sign-on with BYU CAS

Add a Custom Domain

Create a custom BYU subdomain, add a digital certificate

Multiple Custom Domain for a single Mendix Node

This article gives instructions on how to set up multiple custom domains for a single Mendix Cloud Node.

Deploy to Production Environment

How to deploy to the Production environment on a licensed node.

Mendix Components: How-To

This article gives a general overview of how to create, deploy, and maintain Mendix components such as modules, themes, and widgets.

Email Setup

How to send emails from a Mendix app

Feedback Widget

Allow users to submit feedback directly from the application.

Email Account Creation on AWS

How AWS administrators set up email access on SES SMTP server and create IAMS account

Delete Mendix App

How to delete Mendix apps and projects

CI/CD Setup

Process for setting up CI/CD pipeline in Mendix apps

BYU Modules

These modules can be found in the BYU Private App Store. Some of these are automatically included when you use the BYU Starter App.


BYUApiCalls validates authentication and user information that you receive from WSO2.

BYU Open Authentication

Allows any Mendix application to gain access to any BYU API

BYU Group to User Role Mapper

Assigns Mendix user roles based on a user's GRO Groups

Long Running Task Updates Module

Used to display updated progress messages in a long running microflow.

CI/CD Pipeline PLUS

This module will test your code as it pushes it to the next environment.

BYU Eventhub v1

This is a client for Mendix users to consume and create BYU events in Mendix applications.

BYU Account

This module allows you to create and track an accounts using BYU identifiers.

Tyk Validation

Validating your APIs

Form Builder

Dynamic form creation for end users


CI/CD process for all BYU Mendix Apps


Box Connector Plus

This module allows integration between Mendix applications and Box.

Amazon S3 Connector

Allows you to export data from your Mendix application to Dremio.


Custom Widgets

Get started with Mendix Pluggable widgets.