Deploy to Production Environment Skip to main content

Deploy to Production Environment

How to deploy to the Production environment on a licensed node.


There are two environments on a licensed node, Acceptance and Production. This describes how to deploy from Acceptance to Production.

Deploying to the Production environment is as simple as clicking a button to transport the package used in Acceptance to Production. You can do this at any time, even if you are still in development.

1. Prepare to Deploy
2. Deploy Through Sprintr
3. Deploy Through CI/CD Pipeline
4. How to Revert

1. Prepare to Deploy

Before deploying you want to make that sure you have the tools and info required to monitor the app and the info to revert your changes should it become necessary. To start, navigate to and go to environments.


Make note of what version Production is running. Make sure you can find it in the Deployment Package Repository. Next, you can pull up the live logs so when you deploy you can see the console log for the application. Select the Details button on the right side of the Production environment then click View Live Log.


You can adjust what you want to see as far as message levels and message source in the top right.


Alternatively, on the left menu bar under environments click on the option for Logs.


In the top right click on the drop down to make sure you are in Production, it will require a MFA. Then click on the View Live Log button.

2. Deploy Through Sprintr

After testing your code in acceptance, and making sure you are ready to deploy to production, make sure that this an appropriate time to restart the app. For example if you have a mobile ordering app don't restart it around noon or 6pm. In Environments click on transport to production in the Acceptance. If you haven't done it recently it will require a MFA.


Then hit transport in bottom right, this step can take a couple minutes. Then click through the info screens it pops up with until you get to restart application. Click this and again it can take a couple of minutes to complete. After it is done it will take you to the details page of the production environment, monitor the logs and visit the site and check the added functionality to confirm it works.

3. Deploy Through CI/CD Pipeline

Go to the acceptance environment of your app. You need to search through the app to find the below snippet. In each app it is stored in a slightly different location, look around in pages that say admin, make sure you have admin and CICD pipe where applicable.

CI/CD Configuration

The pipeline GUID is found at, then make sure you are on the right app at the top, and click on the deployment pipeline. The GUID can be found under the API tab.


The API key can be found if you click on app settings on the left and click API keys. The API key is a secret so if one is already created then it will be the same as the acceptance one, otherwise you have to create a new one. The project ID is the line covered in red or it can be found at Sprintr at general settings as the App ID.


The template ID is the template of the RFC, it can be found on ServiceNow in the story if you click on create standard RFC and find it next to your project.


4. How to Revert

In case something goes wrong with the deployed code, where you notice errors in either the log stream or reported from the actual site, go the the deployment package of the previous working version as noted in step 1 and click deploy. On the following window click on the production environment. It will show a red circle saying you can't click on it but you can. Then click transport on the production environment.