Delete Mendix App Skip to main content

Delete Mendix App

How to delete Mendix apps and projects


"Delete a Mendix app" can mean different things:

  1. Remove a server environment like Production or Acceptance from a licensed app running in the Mendix Cloud. Mendix uses the term "offboard".
  2. Remove an entire project which may not necessarily be running on licensed nodes. It may have been a project to just try a new thing or learn something. Mendix uses the term "Leave App". If it's running on a licensed node, you must offboard all the environments before you can leave the app (delete it).

1. Remove a server environment like Production or Acceptance from a licensed app running in the Mendix Cloud.

Mendix uses the term "offboard". Only the Technical Contact for the app or a Mendix Account Administrator (someone in BYU OIT) can do this.

You can choose to offboard the entire app and all its server environments at once, or select just the server(s) you want to offboard.

You must shut down all the servers you want to offboard before you begin this process.

1. Sign in to Mendix Support at

2. Select the Offboard Environment action near the bottom in the middle of the page.

Image of Mendix Offboard Environment button on Mendix Support page

3. Select the app from the dropdown list.

Select Mendix application to offboard

4. Select Full Application or Only specific environments.

Select full application or specific environments to offboard

If you select Only specific environments, you will then select which ones.

Select environment to offboard

If you haven't shut down a server, you will be notified that you can't offboard yet.

Warning that Mendix cannot offboard the application

You will get an email from Mendix acknowledging that they received your request. Later, you will get another email with a link to verify that the information is correct. Follow the link, review the information, and verify that you want them to continue.

2. Remove an entire project which may not necessarily be running on licensed nodes.

It may have been a project to try a new thing or learn something. Mendix uses the term "Leave App". It's good practice to delete projects you no longer need.

If it's running on a licensed node, you must offboard all the environments before you can leave the app (delete it).

  1. Sign in to the Developer Portal at
  2. Locate your app, select the three dots in the upper right corner of its card, choose Leave App, and follow the instructions.
Leave Mendix App link