Create a custom BYU subdomain, add a digital certificate
Here's how you use a custom BYU subdomain for your application; for example This assumes you don't have a subdomain and digital certificate for that domain yet.
If you want to point an existing subdomain to your Mendix application, see the FAQ below.
Steps 1 and 2 can be done by a BYU Computer Support Representative (CSR).
The DNS Name will be your application's custom domain name with appended to it; for example the DNS name for "" would be "".
The Aliases will be your custom domain; for example "".
Note: if you are pointing an existing subdomain to the Mendix application server, you fill out the same form and include a comment indicating that you're pointing the existing domain to the Mendix application server. See "Point Existing BYU Subdomain to Mendix Application Server" in the FAQ for an example.
2. Request a Digital Certificate
Unless you have access to DigiCert with a BYU account you will have to ask a CSR to do this. If you are in BYU OIT, try the Technology Support channel of the IT Collaboration team. You may be referred to the KB article below:
If you do this yourself, you need to create a certificate signing request (CSR) for the custom domain to upload to DigiCert when you request the certificate. Try using the DigiCert OpenSSL CSR Wizard and fill in the fields like this:
Common Name: (custom domain name, for example Organization: Brigham Young University Department: OIT City: Provo State / Province: Utah Country: USA Key Size: RSA 2048
Click on Generate and copy the generated OpenSSL statement.
Paste it to the command line in Windows, Mac OS, or Linux and run it to create a .csr file and a .key file. Keep the .key file private.
Upload the .csr file to DigiCert to initiate the request.
You will receive an email from DigiCert with a .zip file that has two .crt files for the custom domain's public key (certificate) and the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. You will upload these to Mendix in the next step.
3. Upload the Digital Certificate to Mendix
Go to the Mendix Developer Portal for your application and navigate to Environments.
Under the Custom Domains tab, select New to add a certificate.
Choose "Upload Certificate, Chain and Key" under "Upload My Own".
Give it a description, like the custom domain name; for example ""
Copy from your certificates into the TLS Certificate, Intermediate Certificate Chain, and TLS Private Key fields.
The TLS Certificate for the domain "" is usually named funstuff_byu_edu.crt.
The Intermediate Certificate from DigiCert is usually named DigiCertCA.crt.
The TLS Private Key comes from the private key file that was created and used to generate the certificate signing request that was sent to DigiCert to generate the digital certificate. If you created it, copy it from your private key file. This file should be kept secure and not emailed or posted in a public place. If a CSR generated it, get the private key file from the CSR.
Consumer Safety Tip
When you copy and paste certificates, be sure there is no extra white space at the ends of lines and that there are no blank lines. It's best to use a plain-text editor to open the certificate to copy it, like Notepad. See the Troubleshoot Certificates section below for more.
4. Add the digital certificate to the application server
1. Select the Details button for the environment you will add the certificate to; usually Production. 2. Navigate to the Network tab. 3. Select the Add button under Custom Domains. 4. Enter the domain name; for example "" 5. Select the certificate you uploaded from the dropdown and Save.
The certificate should work now. You do not have to restart the server.
5. Set the ApplicationRootUrl Runtime Setting in Mendix
In the Mendix Developer Portal for your application, navigate to Environments and select Details for the environment you are adding a custom URL to.
Select the Runtime tab.
Under Custom Runtime Settings, select Add.
Setting: ApplicationRootUrl
Value: the URL of your custom domain, including "https://"; for example ""
Select Save and restart your application for the setting to take effect.
6. Reconfigure SAML to Tell CAS About the New Custom Domain
When you change the application's URL, you must always update CAS with the new URL. Do this in the SAML module then send the updated SP Metadata in an email to
When you upload the certificate (see above) it is stored securely on a server in the Mendix Cloud. When the certificate expires someone will have to renew it. They will need the original certificate signing request information. Save this in a secure place that other team members can access. Here's how to do it in a shared LastPass account.
1. Add an item
2. Select MORE ITEMS to show all of them and select SSH KEY
3. Fill in the fields like this. Open the private key (.key file), the certificate (.crt file), and the certificate signing request (.csr file) and copy and paste them into the fields. In this example, the certificate (.crt file) goes in the Public Key and the certificate signing request (.csr file) goes in the Notes.
4. Put it in a folder shared with other administrators so others can renew the certificate in the future if needed.
The DNS Name will be your application's custom domain name with appended to it; for example the DNS name for "" would be "".
The Aliases will be your custom domain; for example "".
Troubleshoot Certificates
If you get an error when you upload a certificate, check that there are no blank lines in the certificate and that there are no white spaces at the end of lines.