This module allows you to create and track an accounts using BYU identifiers.
A module that allows a Mendix application to create and track user accounts with BYU identifiers.
Typical Usage Scenario
Use this module when a Mendix application would benefit from using BYU data. Such as creating a Mendix user account that matches a BYU account or allowing a user to sign-in to the Mendix application with their BYU account.
Add users from BYU, pulling in all major BYU identifiers
Manage user accounts in the Mendix application
Can mimic/impersonate existing application users
How to Use
Contents of _USE_ME:
FullCASLogout: Determines if logging out of your application should also logout the user from CAS also.
Microflows - Get current user account
BYU_GetCurrentUserAccount: Casts the $currentUser object from type System.User to BYUAccount.Account, making available Account attributes (ie. NetId, SortName)
SAML_Account_Create: Should be put into the CustomUserProvisioning microflow to fill the newly created BYUAccount.Account with the user's BYU info.
Snippets - you can drop these onto pages
Accounts_All: Manage all accounts (BYUAccount.Account) for your application.
UserInfo_Snippet: Adds sign-in and sign-out buttons once this snippet is added to a layout based on the Topbar_Master from the BYUTheme module.
UserInfo_Mobile_Snippet: Adds sign-in and sign-out buttons for mobile-sized screens once this snippet is added to a layout based on the Topbar_Master from the BYUTheme module.
Refer to the Getting Started page on the BYU Mendix website for more information.
Download the module here. It will save as BYUAccount.mpk
Note: If you are using Mendix Studio Pro 8.8.* or 8.9.* downloading private app store modules/widgets was turned off due to security concerns. All the BYU Private App Store content can still be downloaded from the Company Content page in the Mendix App Store and then imported into those versions of Studio Pro. Upgrading to a newer version of Mendix Studio Pro fixes the problem.
After the download finishes, import BYU Account into your project.
Right click on your Project Explorer
Select Import Module Package
Select the module you just downloaded and click Open