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BYU Account

Adding an account entity with all of BYU's unique identifiers


Required Modules

Note: Downloading private app store modules/widgets has been turned off at the moment for certain versions due to security concerns. The latest version of private App Store content can still be downloaded from the Company Content page in the Mendix App Store and then imported into the respective versions of Studio Pro/Desktop Modeler. Once the module is downloaded, import it by right clicking Project File and clicking on Import module package.


Using the BYU Account module depends wholly on what user information your application will need.


User is the parent entity from which all user-account entities should specialize. It stores the [user]name and passwords as well as system-level attributes and associations like Sessions and UserRoles. This could technically be used as the the main user-entity for an application but it's not recommended since attributes and certain types of associations cannot be added to entities in the System module.

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The Administration module is the default user-entity that specializes from System.User. It adds a few more identifying attributes as well as some snippets for user and session management. It would be recommended to use this entity instead of the System.User because, due to specialization, it inherits all of the attributes and associations from System.User without any of the restrictions. If you want a good starting point for creating your own user-entity, you can start here and edit what you need.

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If you want an even better starting point, you can use the BYUAccount.Account entity. This user-entity includes the same benefits as the Administration.Account module but also icludes all of the major BYU person identifiers (NetId, BYUId, PersonId, SortName, etc.).

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