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Publishing to Our App Store

Publishing to the BYU App Store

If you make a reusable module, it can be published to the App Store for future use. You have used a number of these throughout your training, including those that allowed you to call BYU APIs.

To publish to the App Store do the following:

  1. Make sure you have access to the BYU company modules. If your Mendix Account was made with a email, then you should be in automatically.
  2. Create an mpk for your project (details on how to do this below)
  3. Go to the App Store at and add a new module.

    1. Use your mpk, and make sure you specify the correct version that the module was built in
    2. Be sure to list all dependencies for your module
    3. Provide detailed documentation for the usage and implementation of the module.
  4. Maintain

    1. Make sure you are restrained when updating the versions of modules. Modules are forwards compatible, and if you update the version, you may affect apps that are currently using it by preventing them from implementing your update.
    2. If you are going to increase the version, be sure to do it outside of a major bug fix.

Creating an MPK

While in your modeler, go to the module you wish to export. Right click on it and select “export module package”. You will receive a notification about any cross module associations. Make sure all the modules you are associated with are able to be downloaded from the App Store (If a module refers to you that is okay).

After you confirm, it will give you a list of all java dependencies for your project.

DO NOT select all dependencies, especially in large projects. Select the java actions specifically for that module, and go from there. Make sure that you document which dependencies are required, so future developers can know for updates.

Prior to uploading this package to the marketplace, test your module in a local app. Create a test app and download all the dependencies of your module. Click in the blank space under your modules in the navigation, and click “import module package”. Select the package you exported, and it will import into your project the same way as any module from the App Store. (Note: it will import as a regular module instead of an App Store module if it was not an App Store module in the app you export it from. This will not be an issue).