Configure API settings
- Run the project by pressing the green arrow in the top right corner.
- Once the app is loaded, click "View App".
In your browser, click "Sign in" at the top right corner.
Username: MxAdmin
Password: 1
- Click "BYU API Settings" on the left side of the page under "System Settings".
- Open a new tab and go to Click "Sign in" and sign in with your BYU login.
- Under "Environment", select "Sandbox".
- Click "Create a New Client". Under "App Name", write "LastName Demo Mendix App".
- Copy the Client ID, go back to your Mendix app tab, and insert it under "OAuth Configuration".
- Go back to the Tyk Credential Manager tab, click "Generate Secret". The secret will only be available once. After you close this pop-up, you will never have access to it again. Because of that, copy and paste this Client Secret to a secure place. Once you have it saved in a safe place, go to your Mendix app tab and paste it in the appropriate text box.
Change URLs to have “-sandbox” after “api”. Your OAuth Configuration should look something like this.
- Click "Save"
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Call an API