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New Hire Training

Display data on your page

  1. Open the page "Home_Web".
  2. Drag a “Data view” widget from the Toolbox onto your page right below the text that says “Welcome to your new app”.
  3. Double-click on the data view widget to open its settings. Under "Data source", select "Microflow", then select "REST_Call" for the microflow.
  4. Click “OK”. Click “No” for “Do you want to automatically fill the contents of the data view”.
  5. Drag a text widget from the toolbox into the data view widget on the page.
  6. Double-click on the text widget, then click on “Edit…” next to the “Caption” option.
  7. Create a new parameter. Click “Select…” next to “Attribute (path)”. Select “Value” under “First_name”.
  8. Click "Select" then "OK". This made a parameter we can use in the text box. Type "Hello {1}!" in the "Caption" text box. This will display your first name.


  9. Click “OK”, then “OK” to save your changes.
  10. We now need to fix the errors. Open Main > Security.
  11. Go to the “Page access” tab. Next to “Home_Web”, check “Administrator”.
  12. Go to the “Microflow access” tab. Next to “REST_Call”, check all 3 boxes.
  13. Go to the “Entity access” tab. Click “New”. Select “First_name”, then “OK”. Check all three boxes under “Rule applies to the following module roles”. Under access rights, check both boxes, then select “Read, Write”, then under Member > Access rights, change the value to “Read, Write”. It should look like this.


  14. Click “OK”, then “OK” to close all the popups. Now, you should have no errors.
  15. Run the program. Make sure you are not logged in as MxAdmin. You should see your name on the page.
  16. Congratulations! You have made an API call using Mendix! Now let’s take this a step further.
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