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New Hire Training

Display the names of everyone who logs in

  1. Go to your "REST_Call" microflow. Using the "First_name" values we collect, we will create persistable "User" objects.
  2. Drag a "Create object" block onto your microflow after "Call REST (GET)". Double click it. Change "Entity" to "Main.User". Set "Commit" to "Yes". Set "Refresh in client" to "Yes". Click "New". Change "Member" to "Name". Under "Value", type "$FirstName.Value". It should look like this:


  3. Click "OK" to save your changes. Drag a "Commit object(s)" block onto your microflow. Open its settings and change "Object or List" to "NewUser". Change both "With events" and "Refresh in client" to "Yes". Now, the first names of people who enter their BYU IDs will be saved in the database.
  4. Double-click on the red end event circle. Change "Type" to "Nothing".
  5. Now let's create a page to display the names of those who have entered their information. Right click on "Main", then click "Add page". Create a blank page. Name it "Past_Users_Overview".
  6. Drag a "List view" widget onto your page. Double click it to change its settings.
  7. Go to the "Data source" tab. Change "Entity (path)" to "Main.User". Click "OK". Click "Yes" for "Do you want to automatically fill the contents of the list view?".
  8. Go back to the "REST_Call" microflow. We need to tell the program to go to this page when they submit their input. After the "Create object" block, add a "Show page" block. Open the settings and change "Page" to "Past_Users_Overview".
  9. Now everything should display as we expect. As a last step, let's add a button to take you back to the main page so we don't have to re-run the program to add users. Drag a "Button" widget onto your page under the "List view" widget.
  10. Open the button's settings. Change the "Caption" to "Back". Change "On click" to "Show a page". Select "Home_Web".
  11. Save your changes and run your program.
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